He gave no indication of future moves in interest rates. 伯南克没有表明利率的未来走向。
Isn't that a lot like investing all your money so that future generations can bare interest on it? 这和你用所的钱进行投资以便后人能从中获益不是如出一辙吗?
Federal Reserve officials were committed to winding down their bond-buying program at a January 28-29 policy meeting, and they also discussed the possibility of future interest rate increases, according to minutes of the meeting released Wednesday. 周三公布的美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve,简称:美联储)会议纪要显示,美联储官员在1月28日-29日政策会议上承诺缩减债券购买计划,另外他们还讨论了在未来加息的可能。
It depends on the level of debt, future growth, ability to tap private sector wealth through taxation, ability to raise funds through privatisation and, of course, future market interest rates. 它取决于债务水平、未来增长、通过税收利用私营部门财富的能力、通过私有化融资的能力,当然还包括未来的市场利率。
A good grasp of these two concepts enables a fixed income investor to tailor the maturity profile of his portfolio to his expectations of future interest rates. 掌握这两个概念,将能让投资者根据自己对利率走势的看法决定投资组合的组成债券。
Bond markets have also priced in future interest rate cuts, which has helped yields fall. 债券市场已经反映了对未来减息的预期,导致收益率持续下跌。
Dozen play a ball game, wanting to be clear about next is useful really, trashy word, might as well lay aside temporarily, wait to wanted to use in the future, interest or demand can be your best coach, learn useful business first now! 打打球,然后想清楚是不是真的有用,没用的话,不妨暂时搁置,等将来要用了,爱好或需求会是你最好的教练,现在先学有用的事情吧!
Many people point to interest-rate swaps, which are used to bet on and hedge against future changes in interest rates, as an example of a huge, well-functioning and useful innovation of the modern financial era. 许多人指出用于在未来利率改变的走向上押注或做对冲的利率掉期是当今金融时代的一项巨大有用且运作良好的创新。
That decline could have become self-sustaining if investors had begun to dump US assets, but the decisive rescue of Bear Stearns by the Federal Reserve shifted expectations about future US interest rates and restored confidence. 如果投资者开始抛售美国资产,美元的这种下跌势头本来可能会一发而不可收拾,但美联储(fed)果断拯救贝尔斯登(bearstearns),改变了人们对美国未来利率走势的预期,重振了市场信心。
Optimal model of hedging based on new and old portfolio of the maximum return probability A good grasp of these two concepts enables a fixed income investor to tailor the maturity profile of his portfolio to his expectations of future interest rates. 基于全部组合收益概率最大的最优新增组合套期比率掌握这两个概念,将能让投资者根据自己对利率走势的看法决定投资组合的组成债券。
The Juventus midfielder is not part of ranieri's plans, but has not yet decided his future despite attracting the interest of many clubs. 这名尤文图斯中场球员并不在拉涅利的球队计划当中,但是尽管吸引了很多球队的关注他仍没有决定自己的未来在哪里。
These low yields show that the government deficit reduction plans have credibility, and that current expectations of future growth and interest rates are low. 收益率徘徊于低位表明,政府的减赤计划具有可信度,它还表明,当前人们对未来经济增速和利率的预期都较低。
Chess fans will no doubt wait for a rematch in the future with keen interest. 毫无疑问,棋迷们将带着浓厚的兴趣期待着下一次人机大战。
The resulting crowding out of private investment will require higher future interest rates, and that is reflected in current long-term rates. 这将导致私人投资被挤出,因此未来利率必然上升,目前的长期利率就反映了这点。
The academic consensus today, which is based on the rational agent model, is that the central bank should announce the path of future interest rates. 如今,基于理性个体模型得出的学术共识是,央行应当宣布未来利率的走向。
If the term of the assets is too short, relative to that of the liabilities, the maturity proceeds from the assets will have to be reinvested at unknown future rates of interest. 如果资产的期限相比负债过短,资产的到期收益将会面临未知的利息回报率的再投资。
In less than 30 seconds, back came not just the yield of the security, but the month-by-month future interest payments and principal repayments, including whether and when shortfalls and losses would be incurred. 不到30秒,系统不仅给出了这种证券的收益率,而且还给出了未来每月的利息支付额、本金偿还额,还附有是否(及何时)会发生偿款不足与损失的信息。
The paper concludes that the development of European identity should drawlessons from history, take into account European future and the common interest ofevery nation, and further construct a sense of belonging, the consciousness ofcommon fate and the desire of shared life. 文章的主要结论是欧洲认同的发展应该以史为鉴,着眼于欧洲的未来和欧洲各民族的共同利益,在此基础上培养欧洲人对欧盟的归属感、以及一种共同命运意识和共同生活的愿望。
Other options include changing its communication about future interest rates or cutting the interest it pays to banks on their reserves. 其它选择包括改变关于未来利率的沟通方式,或者削减它向银行支付的储备金利息。
So whether the publication of central bank predictions of the future path of interest rates is likely to be beneficial depends on the relative accuracy of such forecasts. 因此,央行发表对未来利率走势的预测是否有帮助,取决于此类预测的相对准确性。
We use scenario tree to illustrate the trend of future interest rate. 我们通过构建情景树反映未来的利率变化的情景结构。
The other is that, to control interest rate risks, the essay details the use of financial derivatives, such as FRA, interest swaps, interest future and interest options. 这篇论文对远期利率协议、利率互换、利率期货、利率期权等金融衍生工具在利率风险控制中的运用做了初步的探讨。
Its industrial characteristics being both industrial and institutional, both profitable and non-profitable, seeking both direct interest and indirect interest, both self-interest and the national interest, both present interest and future interest, both economics benefit and social benefit. 高等教育的产业特征是:产业性与事业性共存,营利性与非营利性共存,直接利益与间接利益共存,自身利益与国家利益共存,现实利益与长远利益共存,经济效益与社会效益共存;
The paper summaries preparation method and application of nano copper powder and proposes its future research interest. 综述了纳米铜粉的应用及制备方法,对今后的研究方向进行了展望。
The Contract Governance Future Interest Rate Applied in Asset-Liability Management of Life Insurance Firms 远期利率在寿险公司资产负债管理中的应用
It was always believed that the term structure was closely connected with the monetary policies, and therefore, contained the information of future interest rates, future economic growth and inflation rate. 利率期限结构的利率差指的是长短期利率的差额,通常认为利率期限结构与货币政策联系相当紧密,并因此包含了未来利率变动趋势、经济增长的变化以及通货膨胀率变化等信息。
But this approach is based on accurate forecasts on future interest rates, which is very difficult to achieve, and even accurate forecast, it should pay high costs. 但是表内管理方法是建立在对未来利率准确预测的基础上,而对未来利率的准确预测是相当困难的,且即使能准确预测,也要付出很高的成本。
In terms of the students gender, counseling effects on boys are better than girls in aggression and self-forgiveness; but in depression, future hope life interest and relation quality, counseling effects on girls are better than boys. 在攻击、自我原谅方面男生效果好于女生;在抑郁、未来希望、生活兴趣和关系品质方面,女生效果好于男生。
The end of this thesis summarizes the experience and insufficiency in Lean Production of jointing workshop, at the same time it brings forward the method and direction in future in the interest of keeping improvement. 在文章的最后总结了焊接车间推行精益生产的经验和不足,并提出了今后深入推行精益生产应努力的方向和采取的措施,以期达到持续改善、不断提高的目的。
The last chapter is conclusion and future research interest. 最后一章是结论以及对未来研究方向的展望。